Don Bambrick VOD B-Roll
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Vibralux Denim is proud to present the sixth installment of our stand-alone VOD series. We were able to film with Don Bambrick in Minneapolis and Detroit around his busy schedule as a husband and father of a new-born girl, Lou. Don has been away from the limelight for quite sometime since his last profile in Charg!ng, but a few years ago he teamed up with Brian Weis to start the 'Not Cereal' video series and a rebirth of sorts was in the making. Don is back and better than ever bringing his unique eye for skating to the streets. Plentiful spots from Minnesota and the heartland juxtapose the run down city that Detroit has become. Sit back and enjoy, you're in for a treat.
Vibralux Denim Welcomes Montre Livingston
We are proud to add a new member to our family after 3 years. Montre's reputation proceeds itself so I will spare you the puff piece and simply express how excited we are to have someone as dedicated as Montre want to join the brotherhood. The future looks brighter every day.